Welcome to Kirkland Congregational United Church of Christ!
We are happy that you found us here on the web! We were founded as the first church in Kirkland way back in 1880, when the Eastside of Lake Washington was populated by pioneer families. Since those early days we have been a place of worship, a place to experience the beloved community of God, and a place to meet Jesus and follow his call to build a world of justice and mercy.
Our congregation is a mixture of people who have been here for many years and others who have come more recently. While we trend toward being an older congregation, our children and youth are visible and involved. Our worship is a hybrid of traditional and contemporary, and sermons are as likely to quote Bono as they are to quote Martin Luther. We are a congregation that is active in our community: hosting tent encampments, advocating for environmental justice, and gathering clothing for children in need.
We are a member of the United Church of Christ, a progressive mainline denomination. Our history includes our Pilgrim forefather John Robinson who famously said, "There is still more light and truth to break forth from God's holy word." Our 21st Century version of this statement is: "God is Still Speaking," which serves to remind us that our faith story is both ancient and still happening. We believe that the voice of God, the teachings of Jesus, the movement of the Holy Spirit, and the story of the church are not done being heard or told. We believe in a faith that is alive...
As progressive Christians we celebrate the diversity of all God's children who are welcome, beloved, and able to serve equally in the church; regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, age, mental or physical ability, or income level. We often say, "Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!" And then we do our best to live out this promise!
Join us for worship on Sunday at 10:30 A.M. in our sanctuary, or on Zoom! We hope you will join us soon!